The Illustrated Guide And Annotated Guide to The ROS Theory of Obesity

I gave a lecture on The ROS Theory Of Obesity at Interbrook Farm in Sept of 2019. I made hand drawn slides with a Sharpie. Unfortunately my sense of humor is on full display in these. Maybe they’ll be useful to someone.

Also, u/leerylizard posted an annotated guide to the ROS Theory Of Obesity on the reddit subthread r/SaturatedFat, (or, rather u/greyuniwave crossposted it there from r/slatestarcodex) which is potentially more useful than my doodles. Enjoy!

19 thoughts on “The Illustrated Guide And Annotated Guide to The ROS Theory of Obesity”

  1. Apologies in advance if you don’t want proofreading comments, but: “mitochondria” is plural. You want to write “a mitochondrion”.

  2. Maybe this is besides the point, but isn’t insulin resistance dangerous? Like if consuming saturated fat along side carbohydrates, aren’t you saying that while saturated fat is present in the body, then the insulin and carbohydrate just float freely without being cleared? the same as in diabetes?

    Just a curious nutrition and biology enthusiast.

    1. Physiological insulin resistance is normal biology. It happens at the end of every meal. Insulin signals to fat cells to start storing energy after a meal. When they are “full” they stop listening to insulin and they stop storing energy. They are insulin resistant. The theory here is we’re just making them do that faster.

  3. Palmatic acid could be a much clearer picture to your theory.

    The palmatic acid in butter/palm oil resaturates the mitochondria and allows oxidative metabolism of glucose to work.

    Steraic/Palmatic are the only ones to not block glucose, Polyunsaturated do the exact opposite.

    Majority of people have High PUFA content/circulating and can’t oxidizer glucose and store the hell out of it and get fat.

    Palmatic acid can be burned at the same time as glucose, while also lowering cortisol and

    Your theory is close

    1. Palmatic acid can be burned at the same time as glucose, while also lowering cortisol and allowing glucose oxidation.

      So High Butter/Red Palm Oil/ Cocoa Butter+ Moderate carbs, and some protein while aerobic excersise will allow the fat to melt off and clear the body of pufa, then over time the fat content can be lowered and higher carbs can be resumed as PUFA is not blocking it’s oxidation, this will return the individual to a youth metabolism.

  4. I like slide 19! I am working hard at reducing the amount of PUFA that I consume. Those of us on SatFat reddit are too focused on increasing S-A without keeping the amount of PUFA as low as possible. You should post on the the great Oxygenation event in prehistory. Regards

  5. christian hriljac

    great stuff…how is ir goin for you in the new year?? losing the fat again with starch and sat fat…I am at about 1 to 2 pounds a week!

    1. Excellent! I am! Everything would be going great if I hadn’t have gotten knocked out by the flu for half of February.

  6. Everything you wrote about in the croissant diet requires cooking. How about basing meals on a (thin) slice of white bread and lots of Kerrygold butter on it? I am thinkin 100g or more. Nothing is easier to prepare than butter and bread.

    1. Yes! You’re right, of course. I’m a chef with suddenly more time on my hands so the cooking is my favorite part in all of this. But you can’t go wrong with bread and butter!

  7. well, I’m enjoying taking this for a test run… I read about the satiation piece and thought I wonder if it would make it easier to fast after one of these meals

    I monitor my fasting blood glucose everyday (for kicks I’m not a diabetic I just like data) after I received the SA butter I had a zero carb meal of liver and steak and 2 heaping tablespoons of the SA butter (my default WOE is carnivore 6 days a week or so)

    next day as I’m coming off a bloated weekend, dropped a few pounds my bodyfat scale showed 18.4% and a fasted blood sugar of 90

    I tend to do OMAD and my plan is/was to fast for two days until Saturday, and I had some leftover potatoes and some frozen sourdough, and thought… sure, why not! I really wanted to ‘max out’ the no to minimal PUFA thing so I skipped eggs in my dinner (normally a staple for me)

    so I hit the gym and had the following:

    jar of oysters
    11 oz new York steak
    14 oz potatoes roasted with tallow topped with a few ounces of parmesan/pecorino romano cheese

    big glass of skim milk with gelatin and maple syrup

    sourdough bread with marmalade that was on top of 40 grams of the SA butter (wow tasty)

    4 ounces total of milk chocolate and white chocolate

    after all this, I was expecting to wake up heavier of course with all the carbs and calories as I really wasn’t shy with any of the macros (something I was willing to live with as I really wanted to test the satiety thing to ‘push’ through the fast)

    so I woke up with more energy, and I was 0.4 lbs lighter, and my fasting blood sugar was 83 – that’s with not only steak and starch, but about 30 mL of maple syrup, 60 g of marmalade, skim milk, and 4 oz of chocolate!

    and the meal was sooooooo enjoyable… planning on repeating a similar type of meal on Saturday now… I just emailed a local baker to ask if they use only butter for their croissant so I can slather with the SA butter and enjoy

    Warmest wishes

  8. Hi Brad,
    Omega3 is also a PUFA. Should the amount of Omega3 also be kept low in the diet. ie, higher than omega6, but still relatively low?

    1. I personally would try to balance the Omega 6/3 ratio by reducing Omega 6 rather than upping 3.

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