Brad Marshall

List of Branched Chain Amino Acids as Percent of Calories

This is the list of foods sorted by percentage of calories supplied by branched chain amino acids. In general, branched chain amino acids are proportional to protein as a percent of calories. Most protein is between 16-23% BCAAs, and this is the same for plant foods and animal foods. BCAAs are of interest because they …

List of Branched Chain Amino Acids as Percent of Calories Read More »

The Emergence Diet : Get Out of Torpor!

In this video I ask how mammals get out of torpor. Grizzly bears are the most appropriate model organism: monogastric, large-bodied, omnivorous hibernators. We also happen to have very detailed knowledge about their diet and it may not be what you think. Before that, I look at the argument that you really ARE in torpor, …

The Emergence Diet : Get Out of Torpor! Read More »

Wapato: The human history of starchy tubers

I made this video to push back on the idea that starchy tubers are “fallback foods” for humans. I would argue that the evidence that we have suggests that starchy tubers have been fundamental to human development. I’d also argue that we should rethink paleolithic peoples role in the environment. There is significant evidence that …

Wapato: The human history of starchy tubers Read More »

Turnips green, buttermilk and potatoes. Obesity Explained episodes 8 and 9.

Obesity explained episoeds 8 and 9 are out. They are based on a trio of really great papers that have come out since 2018. Two are in the journal Nature and one is in PNAS, but remarkably all three are publicly available. The papers are (Kim, 2018), (Kim, 2020) and (Huang, 2022). Kim (2018) shows …

Turnips green, buttermilk and potatoes. Obesity Explained episodes 8 and 9. Read More »

The 1000 foods highest and lowest in linoleic acid (And folate and B12)

Food Reference Lists: Linoleic Acid. Highest and lowest foods, percent of calories. Folate. Highest foods per calorie. Vitamin B12. Highest foods per calorie. Vitamin B6. Highest foods per calorie. So I’m having fun making these food reference lists. All of the data is from the USDA food data central, but sometimes when you slice the …

The 1000 foods highest and lowest in linoleic acid (And folate and B12) Read More »

The AhR Actively Manages the Gut Microbiome for Fatness

People think about the gut microbiome as something that is passively managed. Eat some fiber and pro-biotics and hopefully it will grow and bloom. Whose microbiome is it anyway? Obesity Explained, Episode 5. Watch the video version below if you prefer: Hibernators adjust their microbiome to fatten In the case of hibernating mammals, it is …

The AhR Actively Manages the Gut Microbiome for Fatness Read More »

Torpor, Circadin Rhythms and the AhR: Obesity Explained, Episode 4

Episode 4 of Obesity Explained is out! Watch The Video! Video Summary It’s January. Days are short, the light is dim. This one is about circadian rhythms, daylength, body weight and torpor. My working hypothesis is that the Aryl Hydrocarbon Receptor is A, if not THE, master regulator of torpor. Kynurenine is a tryptophan metabolite …

Torpor, Circadin Rhythms and the AhR: Obesity Explained, Episode 4 Read More »

Saturated Fat is in the Eye of the Beholder; also Ants and Torpor

I wanted to make a quick post to point out a real bias in the literature about how the phrase “saturated fat” is used. Lard is always referred to as saturated fat. Never mind that it’s always less than 50% saturated. I also wanted to apologize for not getting around to make summary posts of …

Saturated Fat is in the Eye of the Beholder; also Ants and Torpor Read More »

Save Thirty Bucks on Low-PUFA Pork! Pork without seed oils.

Over at Firebrand Meats I sell heirloom berkshire pork that has been raised on a diet that is low in PUFA. Animals cannot make polyunsaturated fat, so if you limit what’s in their diet, you can lower the amount that is in the meat. I summarized the problems with PUFA in pork and poultry in …

Save Thirty Bucks on Low-PUFA Pork! Pork without seed oils. Read More »

Oxidized Seed Oils Cause Diabetes

This paper from Finland is literally the greatest nutrition paper I’ve ever seen. (Lankinen, 2019) It’s long been known that high plasma levels of linoleic acid predict low diabetes risk. (Kroger, 2010) Furthermore, plasma levels of linoleic acid are a biomarker for intake. At this point people of a certain predisposition will say, “See! I …

Oxidized Seed Oils Cause Diabetes Read More »

Succinate Increases Athletic Performance By Oxidizing NADH

When I first wrote about the benefits of supplementing with succinate, most of the data available was about long term benefits. Oh sure, it can increase metabolic rate by causing beiging of fat cells. This can help you lose weight over time. And yes, it can have the long term benefit of muscle fiber transition …

Succinate Increases Athletic Performance By Oxidizing NADH Read More »