Searchable, Sortable Blog Index

July 4, 2024Doubly Labelled Water is Less Useful For Weirdos

ExFatLoss recently posted an article where he said that he had taken the “gold standard” …

Intro To Oxidation
January 13, 2024What Did We Eat?

New year, new me! I think they say that. Anyhoo, there’s been a lot of …

Intro To Oxidation
January 3, 2024Send Your Metabolism The Right Signal With SEA

Did you know that your body fat composition is a signal to your metabolism? Should …

Intro To Oxidation
January 3, 2024Videos Mentioned In My Interview With Paul Saladino, MD

Here’s the primer of essential videos that Paul and I discussed. The Emergence Diet In …

Intro To Oxidation
December 5, 2023How Much Protein Do You Need?

I’ve been advocating reducing protein intake, and particularly reducing consumption of the the branched chain …

Intro To Oxidation
November 28, 2023Is BCAA-Catabolism The Mechanism Of MCT Oil?

MCT oil has long been associated with weight loss. This is especially true of the …

Intro To Oxidation
November 13, 2023Human Metabolic Syndrome Resembles Mammalian Torpor (New Evidence)

I’ve argued that obesity, diabetes and heart disease are the human expression of mammalian torpor, …

Intro To Oxidation
November 1, 2023Scale Receipts: 28 days on The Emergence Diet

So I’ve been promising that I would share my weight progress after I had done …

Intro To Oxidation
October 26, 2023How I Both Aced and Failed My Oral Glucose Tolerance Test (OGTT)

I’ve been consuming what I’m now calling the “induction phase” of the Emergence Diet. In …

Intro To Oxidation
August 15, 2023How To Fatten A Mammal

This video serves as a sort of road map of Fire In A Bottle topics. …

Intro To Oxidation
June 24, 2023Why the Inuit Aren’t in Ketosis: The Redox Apocalypse

Video Summary The Inuit live in the Arctic on the seal blubber. This would be …

Intro To Oxidation
June 18, 2023Our Livers SHRED omega 3 PUFA. For better or for worse.

Video Link First, tl;dw Summary Article Below Summary Omega 3 PUFA activate PPAR alpha, which …

Intro To Oxidation
June 11, 2023Fat Metabolism in Context: PPAR alpha, Saturated Fat and NAD+

PPAR alpha is a nuclear receptor that is often said to be crucial for fat …

Intro To Oxidation
June 4, 2023Stearic acid as a signalling molecule: SEA. Stearoylethanolamide.

In the latest video I explain the basics of the ethanolamide system.  You may have …

Intro To Oxidation
May 21, 2023The History of Bodyfat Composition

This is a summary of the latest video: We are not made the same as …

Obesity Explained
May 14, 2023List of Branched Chain Amino Acids as Percent of Calories

This is the list of foods sorted by percentage of calories supplied by branched chain …

Intro To Oxidation
April 16, 2023The Emergence Diet : Get Out of Torpor!

In this video I ask how mammals get out of torpor. Grizzly bears are the …

Intro To Oxidation
March 26, 2023How Olive Oil Makes You Fat

This post serves as a summary of the key points of my video, “How Olive …

Intro To Oxidation
February 26, 2023Wapato: The human history of starchy tubers

I made this video to push back on the idea that starchy tubers are “fallback …

Intro To Oxidation
February 17, 2023Turnips green, buttermilk and potatoes. Obesity Explained episodes 8 and 9.

Obesity explained episoeds 8 and 9 are out. They are based on a trio of …

Intro To Oxidation
February 14, 2023The 1000 foods highest and lowest in linoleic acid (And folate and B12)

Food Reference Lists: Linoleic Acid. Highest and lowest foods, percent of calories. Folate. Highest foods …

Intro To Oxidation
February 13, 2023The top foods in Vitamin B6 per Calorie

The list is here! I just fired up a database on the google cloud and …

Intro To Oxidation
January 19, 2023The AhR Actively Manages the Gut Microbiome for Fatness

People think about the gut microbiome as something that is passively managed. Eat some fiber …

Obesity Explained
January 15, 2023Torpor, Circadin Rhythms and the AhR: Obesity Explained, Episode 4

Episode 4 of Obesity Explained is out! Watch The Video! Video Summary It’s January. Days …

Obesity Explained
December 23, 2022Saturated Fat is in the Eye of the Beholder; also Ants and Torpor

I wanted to make a quick post to point out a real bias in the …

Livestock Agriculture
November 16, 2022Save Thirty Bucks on Low-PUFA Pork! Pork without seed oils.

Over at Firebrand Meats I sell heirloom berkshire pork that has been raised on a …

Intro To Oxidation
November 8, 2022Oxidized Seed Oils Cause Diabetes

This paper from Finland is literally the greatest nutrition paper I’ve ever seen. (Lankinen, 2019) …

Intro To Oxidation
November 7, 2022The Truth About Seed Oil in Restaurant Fryers!

By popular demand! This is clipped from my recent longer video Seed Oil and Fryer …

Intro To Oxidation
November 4, 2022Seed Oil and Fryer Oil Reality Video. D6D.

I made this video about the realities of seed oils and fryer oils. This started …

Intro To Oxidation
October 13, 2022Succinate Increases Athletic Performance By Oxidizing NADH

When I first wrote about the benefits of supplementing with succinate, most of the data …

The Onion
September 28, 2022The Onion Of Life. An Evolution Based Framework for Interpreting Molecular Biology (Part 1)

The job of molecular biologists – the ones who discover things like leptin and AMPK …

The Onion
September 14, 2022Antioxidants Cause Inflammation

The human body has multiple ways of eliminating the hydrogen peroxide that is generated during …

Reductive Stress
September 6, 2022Electrons-In, Electrons-Out

People talk about calories-in, calories-out. It is the idea that weight will be gained if …

Reductive Stress
September 6, 2022Lioleic Acid Effects From Acorn Grazed Hogs

I was responding to an email from someone who grazes hogs in a oak forest. …

Livestock Agriculture
September 1, 2022New Video: Reductive Stress Causes Oxidative Stress

This video is a supplement to the post Reductive Stress Causes Oxidative Stress (Take 2). …

Intro To Oxidation
August 31, 2022Reductive Stress Causes Oxidative Stress (Take 2)

With every new paper that comes out it becomes clearer that reductive stress is the …

Reductive Stress
August 24, 2022Sustainable Pork and Metabolic Health in China, featuring Coprophagy: Livestock Agriculture, Part 1

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably noticed that there is controversy surrounding …

Livestock Agriculture
August 9, 2022Battling Reductive Stress: Pyruvate and L-Carnitine

At the end of my series on how seed oils cause reductive stress, I said …

Intro To Oxidation
August 2, 2022Reductive Stress Gives You The Munchies by Activating D6D

This post comes out a recent conversation I had with Tucker Goodrich and David Gornoski …

Reductive Stress
July 13, 2022Reductive stress is the POTENTIAL for oxidative stress

Is it lazy to just post my own tweet and call it an article? You …

Intro To Oxidation
July 13, 2022Brad chats with Georgi Dinkov

Georgi is a follower of Ray Peat’s ideas and is extending them based on the …

Podcasts, Reductive Stress
July 11, 2022How Stearic Acid Battles Reductive Stress; The Banana Milkshake Study Redux

Since I published The Croissant Diet there has been much interest in the scientific article …

Reductive Stress
June 21, 2022PUFA as an obesogen; How Seed Oils Cause Reductive Stress, Part VI

Obesogens are environmental toxins that make you fat. A commonality among them is that they …

Reductive Stress
June 17, 2022Brad Talks ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor and Reductive Stress with Kevin Stock

Kevin and I had a great convo about all things FIAB. This is a great …

Intro To Oxidation
June 16, 2022Seed oils make lean people behave like fat people, metabolically speaking; How seed oils cause reductive stress, part V

In this series, I have argued that consuming seed oils causes reductive stress in the …

Reductive Stress
June 15, 2022Carbon Recycling: What Happens to Seed Oils When You Eat Them? ; How Seed Oils Cause Reductive Stress, Part IV

In this series I’ve been using the analogy of a flooded engine to help to …

Reductive Stress
June 14, 2022Dietary Linoleic Acid Does Not Reduce Diabetes Risk

Introduction In a recent Twitter thread, Simon Hill, MSc. BSc. tweeted this about a recent …

Reductive Stress
June 6, 2022Acetylation Turns on Lipogenic Enzymes; How Seed Oils Cause Reductive Stress, Part III

I argued in part II of this series that consumption of unsaturated fats fails to …

Reductive Stress
May 31, 2022The Mitochondrial Bottleneck as the carburetor screw; How seed oils cause reductive stress, part II

In part I of this series I introduced the analogy of reductive stress as a …

Reductive Stress
May 30, 2022The Flooded Engine, An Analogy; How Seed Oils Cause Reductive Stress, Part I

I’ve been writing a lot about reductive stress and its role at the heart of …

Reductive Stress
April 27, 2022CD38 links obesity, bacterial-induced inflammation, and reductive stress

The idea of this series is that the underlying condition that drives obesity forward is …

Reductive Stress
April 21, 2022The Pro-oxidant Alpha Lipoic Acid makes you lean, Antioxidants make you fat (sometimes)

The WebMD entry on alpha lipoic acid (ALA) begins with, “Alpha-lipoic acid is an antioxidant”.  …

Reductive Stress
April 19, 2022Reductive Stress Makes You Fat

This is another article in my series on reductive stress as a unifying model for …

Intro To Oxidation
April 13, 2022Reductive Stress Causes Oxidative Stress: Antioxidants, Oxidative Stress and Reductive Stress

Introduction This is the second article in my series about reductive stress. Check out the …

Intro To Oxidation, Reductive Stress
April 11, 2022PUFA Induced Reductive Stress as a Unifying Mechanism in Obesity

I recently had an informal debate with someone who believes that obesity is caused simply …

Reductive Stress
March 10, 2022Brad’s Future of Fat Summit presentation is now live!

I want to thank Jeff Nobbs, Dr Anthony Gustin and others for giving me the …

March 8, 2022Metabolic Rates in the American South in the 1930s: Did Researchers Measure the Origins of the Obesity Epidemic?

There are great tales in the medical literature if you look for them.  In the …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
February 24, 2022Why Is Obesity Like A Headache?

Brad is on TikTok! Why IS Obesity like a …

Intro To Oxidation
February 15, 2022The French Obesity Paradox

I’ve recently had several run-ins with people who believe strictly in the calories-in, calories-out hypothesis …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
February 10, 2022Pontzer’s Burn and Metabolic Rate Mechanisms

I just finished reading Herman Pontzer’s book Burn.  It’s good, I recommend it! I don’t …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
January 27, 2022David Rosenberg increased his metabolic rate by 1100 calories per day with alpha-lipoic acid, succinade, sterculia oil and stearic acid.

I was excited when David reached out to me because he is very regimented. He …

Intro To Oxidation
January 27, 2022FIAB Podcast, Episode 4: Reductive Stress

A Google Scholar search for the phrase “oxidative stress diabetes” currently yields over 500,000 papers, …

Intro To Oxidation
January 10, 2022Loss of Mitochondrial ROS Production Causes Obesity

Happy New Year! Fire In A Bottle (FIAB) is back! I’m excited for the new …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
December 14, 2021Antioxidants Cause Reductive Stress

Oxidants are electron takers.  Anti-oxidants are the opposite: electron donors. OILRIG: Oxidation Is Losing, Reduction …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
December 8, 2021NAD+, Reductive Stress and the Magic of Superoxide

This is the next in a series of posts I am writing about reductive stress …

Intro To Oxidation
November 18, 2021Lactate and the Lipoic Acid Flu, An Hypothesis and n=1

In my last post I recommended a strategy of combining lipoic acid – a natural, …

Intro To Oxidation, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
October 27, 2021Obesity as a Global Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity Deficit – The ROS Theory of Obesity Part III, Part 2

I’m using the word global to mean “in all tissues of the body” but I’d …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
October 26, 2021Sandra’s Story

I told the story of Sandra in Obesity as a Global Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity Deficit. …

October 12, 2021ROS as a NAD+ Regenerating, Thermogenic Cycle – The ROS Theory of Obesity Part III, Part 1

On this blog I have argued that: The traditional French diet combining starch and saturated …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
October 4, 2021Reduce SIRT1 and AMPK activity with low-fat calorie restriction, Increase them with high-fat feasting!

In the last article we saw that a deficiency in AMPK and SIRT1 activity leads …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
October 1, 2021You’re fat because your mitochondrial enzymes are acetylated

I’ve been working on this mega post that was getting too long and complicated.  I …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 28, 2021AMPK Causes Insulin-independent glucose uptake in muscle tissue

The way that insulin decreases blood glucose is by causing the translocation of a glucose …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 28, 2021“The Fat Pigs”, FIAB Podcast, Episode 2!

Fire In A Bottle, The Podcast episode 2 is out! In this episode I focus …

September 24, 2021Vitamin D is a nuclear receptor superfamily member that activates AMPK

Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin.  When sunshine hits your skin, your body uses the …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 17, 2021Campari is a dual bile acid receptor agonist that activates AMPK

I am a huge fan of Italian bitter liqueurs.  I was first introduced to the …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 15, 2021AMPK is activated by HIGH cellular energy after a starchy meal

AMPK is a key regulator of metabolic rate and fat burning.  The mainline thinking on …

The ROS Theory of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 11, 2021SCD1 Regulates AMPK and AMPK Regulates SCD1

So like I was saying, biology is weird.  AMPK and SCD1 are a literal teeter …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 1, 2021AMPK is Kryptonite to the Nuclear Receptor “Superfamily”

Summary  Activating AMPK in the livers of mice prevents diet induced obesity despite higher caloric …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
September 1, 2021Announcing Fire In A Bottle, The Podcast!

That’s right, Brad has a podcast now. In the first episode he tells the story …

August 31, 2021The AhR is the Keymaster to Torpor

My last posts were viewed by some as pessimistic in a “once you’re obese, you …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
August 13, 2021Getting Fat Causes You To Overeat

I believe that obesity is a fuel partitioning disorder. I’ve argued that when you pack …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
August 13, 2021Brad on The Logos Interviews

Brad discusses The ROS Theory of Obesity, torpid metabolisms, PUFAs in meat and more on …

August 12, 2021PPAR gamma With Oxidized PUFA is the Gatekeeper to Metabolic Inflexibility

In a recent post I talked about three groups of pigs with differing levels of …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
July 7, 2021Brad on Peak Human podcast

Brad talking about the latest Fire In A Bottle concepts with Brian Sanders. We pack …

July 7, 2021Brad on The Mr. Bill podcast

Mr Bill’s podcast is not a health-based, typically. This is a great starting point if …

July 7, 2021Brad on The Natural State with Dr Anthony Gustin

This 2 part podcast is comprehensive look at the topics discussed on Fire In A …

July 7, 2021Brad Talks Torpor with David Gornoski

This is wide-ranging discussion about the ideas discussed on Fire In A Bottle, including torpor, …

June 26, 2021Accumulating Linoleic Acid Prevents Diabetes

This is from the EPIC Potsdam study in Germany, which looked at the association between …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 23, 2021Obesity prone pigs go from Normal to Pathological Insulin Sensitivity to Torpor when given enough PUFA

Hap MD asked me if I had any thoughts on Ossabaw pigs.  They are interesting …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 16, 2021This Is How Linoleic Acid Makes You Fat, Leptin Resistant and Torpid

I’ve written a lot about the strong correlation between the Desaturase Index (DI) and human …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 14, 2021Bio-Hacking Leptin

I mentioned somewhere that I was leptin resistant somewhere and in the comments of the …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 10, 2021The Cruel Irony of “Eat Less, Move More”

There are many believers in a reductionist calories in, calories out (CICO) view of the …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 9, 2021Leptin Increase Your Metabolic Rate And Keeps You Lean By Making You Inefficient at Walking

Introduction This is part of my Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony series where I will argue …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
June 4, 2021Sterculia Oil Prevents Liver Fat Accumulation and Prevents Insulin Resistance in Fructose-Fed Rats

In the comments of SCD1 CAUSES Humans to Store Fat, David N posted a link …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
June 3, 2021David Tillman Shares His Amazing Croissant Diet Story

David has been featured on the blog before under the testimonial David’s Story. He’s lost …

The Croissant Diet
May 22, 2021Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony: SCD1 CAUSES Humans to Store Fat

Introduction My thesis in this series is that humans get fat NOT from sloth and …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
May 22, 2021Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony Part 1: Americans ate a LOT in 1939

Introuction to Torpor, Sloth an Gluttony This is the first post in my new “Sloth …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
April 28, 2021Female Amazonian forager-horticulturalists have the same metabolic rate as Korean college students. They both eat mostly starch. Their body fat is Saturated.

The title of “High resting metabolic rate among Amazonian forager-horticulturalists experiencing high pathogen burden” makes …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
April 15, 2021Humans and Hibernating Mammals React to The Same Amount of Dietary Linoleic Acid in the Same Way. By Becoming Torpid.

As a biologist, I always think in evolutionary terms. All mammals share a single ancestor …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity, Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
April 14, 2021n=1 on Escaping Torpor: Turning off PPAR gamma and turning on Fat Burning

Recently I posted an article recommending combining sterculia oil with berberine and/or fish oil as …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
April 9, 2021Metabolic Rates In American Men Plunged Between 1919 and 1987

Introduction If you follow this blog you probably won’t be SHOCKED that I’m following up …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
March 29, 2021Metabolic Rates in American Women Plunged Between 1919 and 1986

Intro I have suggested that increased consumption of the Omega 6 polyunsatured fat (PUFA) linoleic …

Torpor, Sloth and Gluttony
March 20, 2021Sterculia Oil: How to Escape Torpor!

Brad’s Daily Recipe Introduction I’d like to reach my target weight this year or next, …

Sterculia Oil, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 20, 2021Sterculia Oil: Metabolic Results Number One

Inroduction So I have a fancy metabolic tester to track my metabolic rate. It’s honestly …

Sterculia Oil, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 20, 2021Sterculia Oil: Brad’s Blood Numbers and Safety

Study Design I started my sterculia oil (SO) trial with a 16 week n=1 safety …

Sterculia Oil, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 9, 2021Are You In Deep Torpor? SCD1 Theory Of Obesity Summary So Far And Hamsters!

Introduction It’s time for the season finale! Next week I will pivot to discussing my …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 6, 2021Very Long Chain Saturated and Monounsaturated Fats

Overview Very Long Chain Fatty Acids (VLCFA) I’ve become very interested in very long chain …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 4, 2021Membrane Phospholipid Composition of Different Populations

I’ve been promoting the OmagaQuant complete test as a way to calculate your Desaturase Indix …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 3, 2021Good PPAR, Bad PPAR

Overview Introduction I introduced PPAR alpha in Dietary Monounsaturated Fat as an altogether good actor, …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
March 1, 2021Fat Newborns; Sloth and Gluttony Part 1

Introduction The most common explanation given for the recent wave of obesity is that “We …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
February 26, 2021David’s Story

This is a pretty great testimonial to the potential of The Croissant Diet. David really …

February 22, 2021Really Good Historical Video About The History of SCD1 research Posted at r/SaturatedFat

This was posted by a user of the reddit group r/SaturatedFat. This is a great …

February 21, 2021Bear Hunting Season; Native Americans Hunted Bear When The PUFA Content Was Lowest

Introduction This is a followup to my post Native Americans Removed Acorn Oil and Replaced …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
February 17, 2021Lori’s Story

Lori reached out to me wanting to share her story. She initially sent me this …

February 15, 2021The Body Fat Saturation Of Starch Eaters; Linoleic Acid Dysregulates SCD1

I’ve argued in The SCD1 Theory of Obesity Part One and Part Two, as well …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
February 4, 2021Native Americans Removed Acorn Oil and Replaced It With Bear Fat

Introduction In a previous article, I argued that a recent drop in the body temperatures …

The Croissant Diet, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
February 2, 2021Low Carb MD

They really let anyone on podcasts these days! Listen to Brad join obesity clinic doctors …

February 2, 2021Speed Your Metabolism With Oxidative Stress! Slow It With Antioxidants!

It’s rare to find a scientific paper whose RESULTS are hilarious. Sometimes the authors conclusions …

Intro To Oxidation, The Croissant Diet, The ROS Theory of Obesity, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
January 30, 2021This is Your Body Temperature on Vegetable Oil

Introduction This article suggests that the reason the Tsimane people of Bolivia experienced a significant, …

The Croissant Diet, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
December 15, 2020Brad Talking SCD1 Theory of Obesity with Raphael Sirtoli

World premiere SCD1 …

Podcasts, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
December 15, 2020New List of Additional SCD1 Regulators posted at r/SaturatedFat

There is a great discussion thread for Croissant Diet/ROS Theory of Obesity/SCD1 Theory of Obesity …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
December 9, 2020Pu’erh Tea is a potent Suppressor of SCD1

Katie sent me this paper.​1​ It actually adds an interesting twist to her story that …

The Croissant Diet, The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
December 3, 2020Dietary Monounsaturated Fat, The SCD1 Theory of Obesity, Part 3

Introduction This is the third part of my SCD1 Theory of Obesity series.  Here are …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
November 16, 2020The SCD1 Theory of Obesity Part 2 – The Post Obese Metabolism and What You Can Do About It

AKA The Ros Theory of Obesity Part2, Part 2 Introduction In part 1, I explained …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
November 16, 2020The SCD1 Theory of Obesity, Part 1 – Insulin, Leptin, SCD1 and Thermogenesis

AKA The ROS Theory of Obesity Part 2, Part 1 Introduction In The ROS Theory …

The SCD1 Theory Of Obesity
October 24, 2020Brad on Ben Greenfield!

The podcast is out! Excellent chat with Ben. Check it …

October 24, 2020Brad’s Inflammation Blood Test Numbers – Don’t Conflate Inflammation and ROS!

So I do everything wrong, kind of on purpose. I eat white flour and dairy. …

The Croissant Diet
October 21, 2020Kirsten’s TCD Post

Kirsten Mortenson, a novelist, posted a nice writeup of her experience with TCD after almost …

October 20, 2020Podcasts!

I’ve had a busy summer of recording podcasts! There are hours of me blathering on …

October 20, 2020Katie’s Story

Katie is doing a textbook version of TCD. I love her story, it’s honest and …

October 19, 2020James’ Story

James posted his success with TCD on Reddit. I reached out to see if he …

September 15, 2020Butter May Lower LPS Mediated Inflammation Compared to Olive Oil

While recording a podcast with Ben Greenfield, I was discussing how the French, Tibetan yak …

The Croissant Diet
August 8, 2020Emmy’s Story

Emmy reached out to me and thanked me for publishing The Croissant Diet. She said …

Testimonials, The Croissant Diet
August 6, 2020Feasting Mimicking Diet Trial Results Part 1

I completed the first ten rounds – 20 days – of the Feasting Mimicking Diet …

The Croissant Diet
July 27, 2020Pancake Chicken

Pancake chicken is the second (and final) component of my feast meal during my test …

The Croissant Diet
July 23, 2020Fat Bomb Fries

It’s not by chance that I’m publishing this on July 23rd, 2020, 30 years to …

The Croissant Diet
July 17, 2020The Feasting Mimicking Diet

When I initially published The Croissant Diet (TCD) some said that it wasn’t “very scientific”. …

The Croissant Diet
May 30, 2020Announcing Firebrand Meats Low PUFA Pork CSA

We are pleased to announce the formation of Firebrand Meats! This is a brand new …

Meat Science
March 26, 2020When Life Gives You Pig Heads, Use Them To Boost Your Antioxidant System

I help my friend Devon with catering. He has a pig farm and does pig …

In The Kitchen, Intro To Oxidation, Meat Science
March 25, 2020Oxidative Balance: A Simple Regulatory Loop

For the background material on understanding this post, start with Hydrogen Peroxide Flips The Switch. …

Intro To Oxidation
March 24, 2020Hydrogen Peroxide Flips the Switch

For background information on this post, start by reading the introduction to oixdation. Terms you …

Intro To Oxidation
March 13, 2020Wine Fasting – TCD Redux, Part 2

I knew from the original Croissant Diet trial that fasting was a natural outcome of …

The Croissant Diet
March 6, 2020Stearic Acid Macro-Dosing – TCD Redux, Part 1

Many people have tried The Croissant Diet, or variations of it, since I published the …

In The Kitchen, The Croissant Diet
February 25, 2020Grassfed Beef Suet is an Excellent Source of Stearic Acid

Last summer when I first started experimenting with The Croissant Diet I had breakfast at …

In The Kitchen, Meat Science, The Croissant Diet
February 20, 2020Early Anecdotes – Lowered Blood Glucose and the First-Phase Insulin Response

An oversimplified version of the idea behind The ROS Theory of Obesity is that a …

The Croissant Diet
February 5, 2020The Illustrated Guide And Annotated Guide to The ROS Theory of Obesity

I gave a lecture on The ROS Theory Of Obesity at Interbrook Farm in Sept …

Intro To Oxidation, The ROS Theory of Obesity
January 22, 2020Fat From The Previous Meal Sets The Metabolic Table

After publication of The Croissant Diet, which promotes a diet combining highly saturated fat and …

The Croissant Diet, The ROS Theory of Obesity
January 6, 2020An Alternative Hypothesis For The Rise And Fall of Heart Disease In The US In The 20th Century

OR: An Ode To Vitamin K2 Summary It is still something of a mystery why …

December 19, 2019Disastrous Trends in American Bacon

In The Croissant Diet specification, I advise against the consumption of pork fat. This is …

Meat Science, The Croissant Diet
December 14, 2019Early TCD Anecdotes – Satiation

I published Introducing The Croissant Diet (TCD) on December 3rd and it’s now the 14th …

The Croissant Diet
December 13, 2019Another Way To Look At Macronutrients

Much of the science behind The Croissant Diet and The ROS Theory Of Obesity is …

The Croissant Diet
December 11, 2019The What’s, Why’s and Where’s of Fat

There are three basic kinds of fat, Saturated Fat (SFA), Monounsaturated Fat (MUFA) and Polyunsaturated …

The Croissant Diet
December 10, 2019New Subreddit for Discussing Hyperlipid/TCD Science and Experimentation r/SaturatedFat

A great spot to post your …

The Croissant Diet
December 3, 2019The Croissant Diet FAQ

Are you serious? Is this some type of ruse or joke? Of course it is!! …

The Croissant Diet
December 3, 2019The Croissant Diet Specification

The specification of The Croissant Diet is a living document. I plan to update it …

The Croissant Diet
December 3, 2019Introducing The Croissant Diet

OR: How I eliminated my spare tire by eating croissants using the six scariest words …

The Croissant Diet
September 27, 2019The Anti-French Diet

Most people seem surprised when I mention that America isn’t actually the fattest place on …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 27, 2019The French Diet In France

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) provides “Food Disappearance” data that …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 26, 2019The French Diet in Upstate New York

In my previous post I defined The French Diet as a diet where the staples …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 26, 2019The French Diet in China

In The ROS Theory of Obesity, I mentioned that the french remained lean in 1970 …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 25, 2019The Curious Case of Nanan and Huain

Another interesting finding of “Diet, Life-style and Mortality in China” is that there was a …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 25, 2019Chinese Office Workers Eat More Than Americans

In The ROS Theory Of Obesity I stated without providing evidence that Chinese people in …

Armchair Epidemiology
September 2, 2019The Three Countries Study

At the beginning of this series I stated that any theory of obesity should be …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019ROS is Satiation

Satiation is a feeling that is actually triggered in the brain by specific neurons in …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019The Body Fat of Obese Adults is Highly Unsaturated

This paper measured the level of Stearoyl-CoA desaturase in morbidly obese adults compared to adults …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019The Loss of SCD1 Prevents Obesity in Mice

A “knockout mouse” is a strain of mice in which a section of their DNA …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019Butter Causes a High Level of Available Energy 8 Hours After a Meal

When fat cells respond to insulin they take several actions in switching from fat burning …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019Long Chain Saturated Fat Causes Fat Loss in Mice

If you’ve been reading along you know that by this point we’ve shown that long …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019The Amount of Polyunsaturated fat in the Modern American Diet Fattens up Mice Without Additional Calories

In this series we’ve discussed the fact that saturated fat oxidation leads to ROS production …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019Unsaturated Fat Prevents Physiological Insulin Resistance In Humans

This paper studied the effect of a ketogenic diet composed largely of saturated fat compared …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019Saturated Fat Causes Physiological Insulin Resistance in Humans

In previous posts I have laid out the argument that metabolism of long chain saturated …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019This Is What Fat Burning Looks Like

In this series I often mention that mitochondrial ROS production creates physiological insulin resistance which …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019Physiological Insulin Resistance

Let’s think about what happens in response to a starchy meal. Blood sugar rises and …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019A Highly Conserved Molecular Bottleneck

In the introductory series, we first saw an example of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) as …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019The Mitochondria

A mitochondria works like a battery. It maintains a voltage gradient across its inner-membrane. The …

Intro To Oxidation, The ROS Theory of Obesity
September 2, 2019The ROS Theory of Obesity

AKA The Layperson’s Guide to Hyperlipid This series is going to be exploring the root …

The ROS Theory of Obesity
June 23, 2019Two Elegant Experiments Demonstrating that ROS is The Signal

If you’been reading through the Introduction to Fire in a Bottle series, I explained the …

Intro To Oxidation
June 22, 2019Summary of The Introduction to Life in a Bottle

Oxidation (in a biological context) is the flow of electrons from elements like Hydrogen and …

Intro To Oxidation
June 22, 2019Superoxide: An Unlikely Hero

When I took oncology at Cornell in the mid-90’s, the root cause of cancer was …

Intro To Oxidation
June 18, 2019The Great Oxygenation

The primordial atmosphere of the earth didn’t contain Oxygen (O2). The atmosphere was a “reducing …

Intro To Oxidation
June 18, 2019Meet Your Antioxidant System

In the previous post, we introduced our unlikely hero superoxide, a free radical. We also …

Intro To Oxidation
June 17, 2019Fire In a Bottle

Fire is a positive feedback loop where atmospheric oxygen (O2) oxidizes the hydrocarbon bonds (the …

Intro To Oxidation
June 15, 2019A Very Gentle Introduction to Oxidation

Humans are electrical creatures. Our basic biology is controlled by the movement of electrons. In …

Intro To Oxidation